Sunday, January 13, 2013

Blog 12: Third interview questions

  1. What is the best way to teach hearing impaired students?
  2. For the subject that you teach, do you notice a difference teaching deaf students and hard of hearing students?
  3. Is it better for a hearing impaired student to be in a mainstream or in a special day class (SDC)?
  4. In your opinion, which do you feel will benefit hearing impaired students: having a hearing impaired or hearing teacher?
  5. Would a hearing impaired student benefit from learning English as their first language or ASL as their first language?
  6. What are some challenges a hearing impaired student has to face when in a mainstream class?
  7. What are some academic challenges that you see hearing impaired student face in your classroom?
  8. Why do you think it's difficult for hearing impaired children to acquire the English language?
  9. What made you become a DHH teacher?
  10. Looking back, how was your own personal experience in school?


  1. I just got my new EQ approved today and my new first question for the interview is "How can a hearing impaied elementary student best become grade level literate in English."
