Thursday, September 6, 2012

Topic Choice

A) My topic is deaf culture. I chose this topic because my eldest sister is deaf and growing up with a deaf sister I also grew up with her friends. I noticed they didn't always follow the same social behaviors as hearing people.When one of my sister's friend came up to me and told me that I looked so worn out, I was embarressed. But seeing from the reaction on my face she took the time to explain to me that deaf people are very stright forward and that whatever they say isn't meant to hurt anyone but is said out of concern and to show that they care. That day I've only learned the tip of the iceberg about deaf culture. There is still a whole other side that I have yet to discover.

  • Ipoly Citizen: I plan to learn the whole aspect of deaf culture and to experience it as well. This relates to me inproving as an Ipoly citizen because I am able to to spread the knowledge to my fellow peers and spread awareness anout deaf culture.
  • Effective Communicator: I plan on becoming a better communicator by interviewing different people such as: deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) teachers, interpreters, and deaf people. This will make me a more effective communicator because I would have interaction with educators in that field and I can apply what I learned later in life.
  • Effective Learner: I plan on shadowing special day classes. This will make a more effective learner because I will able to to see and have the hands on experience to expand my knowledge.
  • Effective use of Technology: I plan on learning new skill on the internet. This will make me a more effecitve user of tecnology because deaf are very visual and do lots of net working, so by using the internet I can spread more awareness to my community through the technology that the deaf use.

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