Saturday, September 29, 2012

Second Interview Questions

  1. What has your experience been like so far since you have been working here at South Hills?
  2. When you go to work, do you feel like you are entering into a whole different culture? If yes, then why?
  3. Do you feel like South Hills has a good DHH (deaf and hard of hearing) program?
  4. Do you feel like the technology that you have is up to date for the DHH program?
  5.  Do you feel that the school district are finding enough effective curriculum methods for the DHH program?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Working EQ

1. A positive thing that has happened so farin my senior project is that my eyes are being opened to a whole new world . With research and reading from the different deaf blogs, that I do on my spare time, I actually feel like I am slowly being drawn in this culture, which I find very exciting.

2. My interview with Karen-Soza Mesa has helped me understand my topic, deaf culture, better beasue I can read all the books and articles anout deaf culture, but unless I start to go out and apply what I learned, all that knowledge would've limited my understanding . With Karen I got the opportunity to apply my self for the first time in my senior project.

3.Well it's still early in the school year to know what and what hasn't worked for me yet. Though I feel like I have been on top of things on my senior project and in my core classes. If I could just continue to stay focused, I should do well.

4. Something that hasn't worked out for me is transportation. I have a hard time getting to my mentorship since there is no one to take me. But I manage to get to where I need to go.

5. Questions: How do words get their sign? Are there any specific reasons why they are signed that way?  How did these deaf norms, such as: intense eye contact, moving around while talking, story telling, long good-byes, and just always being so helpful, become the norms in the deaf culture?

I live in two worlds: a hearing world and a deaf world, not knowing anything about the deaf world. My goal is to become an expert in deaf culture and put myself in the deaf community.

I would like to talk to either a teacher who works with DDH (deaf and hard of hearing) students or a proffessor who is either deaf, teaches ASL, or teaches a deaf culture class. I would like to speak with them next because I feel that they have had so much experience and could be able to pass down knowlege to me.  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Science fair Blog A: Problem Statement

1. Deaf Culture

2. Problem: Deaf students have a hard time reading and writing in English.
 What will you do when the problem is solved?
I would like to pursue a carreer as a teacher, so I would like to used the best teaching method and use it on my future deaf students.

3. Problem: The lack of Sign Language being taught at schools.
What will you do when the problem is solved?
Encourage young people to take sign language beacuse the deaf community is apart of our world (in 2008 there was 10 million deaf in the United States and 1 million alone in California, which had the highest numbers of deaf population.) as well and we should be able to help each other out.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Interview Preperation

1. I plan to interview Karen Soza-Mesa. Karen is a deaf student at Northridge and has worked at Chaffey college as an ASL instructor and at Glendale community college as a tutor for the deaf students that go there. I chose to interview Karen beacuse I felt that she knew alot about deaf culture and the struggles that the deaf face in a hearing world, since she has faced them herself. She also has a passion for the deaf and she is currently pursuing her carreer path as a DHH (deaf and hard of hearing) teacher.

2. The additional questions that I plan to ask are:

  • What are some common misconception that people think of when they hear the word "deaf"?
  • If you could choose one word to describe deaf culture, waht would it be and why?
  • Are you proud to be deaf?  

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Topic Choice

A) My topic is deaf culture. I chose this topic because my eldest sister is deaf and growing up with a deaf sister I also grew up with her friends. I noticed they didn't always follow the same social behaviors as hearing people.When one of my sister's friend came up to me and told me that I looked so worn out, I was embarressed. But seeing from the reaction on my face she took the time to explain to me that deaf people are very stright forward and that whatever they say isn't meant to hurt anyone but is said out of concern and to show that they care. That day I've only learned the tip of the iceberg about deaf culture. There is still a whole other side that I have yet to discover.

  • Ipoly Citizen: I plan to learn the whole aspect of deaf culture and to experience it as well. This relates to me inproving as an Ipoly citizen because I am able to to spread the knowledge to my fellow peers and spread awareness anout deaf culture.
  • Effective Communicator: I plan on becoming a better communicator by interviewing different people such as: deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) teachers, interpreters, and deaf people. This will make me a more effective communicator because I would have interaction with educators in that field and I can apply what I learned later in life.
  • Effective Learner: I plan on shadowing special day classes. This will make a more effective learner because I will able to to see and have the hands on experience to expand my knowledge.
  • Effective use of Technology: I plan on learning new skill on the internet. This will make me a more effecitve user of tecnology because deaf are very visual and do lots of net working, so by using the internet I can spread more awareness to my community through the technology that the deaf use.