(a) I, Rahel Hernandez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
(b) Sharon Gough (Mentor), Michelle Benavides (Interpreter), and http://www.tsdvideo.org/ (website)
(c) hours log
(d) Mrs.Gough, my mentor allowed me to teach her 5th period class (it was her 5th period class because that was the time that I would be able to make it after school) .
The significant part of my independent component 2 was coming up with the lesson plans. I never know the time and effort that went in to making a good lesson plan. Also how I was going to teach them took alot of planning. I would search up ideas on how to teach a certain topic. Or if I didn't know how to sign a certain word I would have to look it up. I actually went over to Michelle's house and we went over on how to sign my lesson plan I had for the following day.
I use this same picture as on blog 19. I feel like this capture how my independent component 2 was for me. Looking up how to sign words and making lesson plans.
I choose to do this as my second independent component because I thought it might support my second answer which was knowing different instructional strategies. My plan was to find which strategies work best for this class that I had. The independent component 2 really did help me understand that every child does learn differently than other. While teaching the class (which is only a class of 3) there was one student who seem to not be comprehending the topic. It was frustrating on my part because I felt like I wasn't doing a good job and I did not know how to explain it any better. In one of our 2-hr house Purther suggested that I look into IEP (Individualized Education Program). When I looked it up the main purpose of an IEP is to set a goal for the child and have them try to achieve that goal. Learning all of this, my answer did sort of change to setting an IEP for the student.
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