1) What I am doing currently on my independent component is doing an extra 30 hours of my mentorship at South Hills High School.
2) The research that really was beneficial to me was a thesis paper that I found written by Kimberly Johnson. When I was at my mentorship, Mrs. Gough, has me help the student with their math assignment for that day. While helping one of the students I came across a word I didn't know how to sign and the student and I were both stuck. I couldn't help him and he was not able to solve the problem. For the next research check I stumbled upon this thesis paper and reading it during research check it gave me a, what I think could be a possible answer to my essential question: You need to have a wide range of vocabulary. What I want to do next is to figure out which signs, since there are two "ways" you can sign (ASL or English), deaf perfer or helps them to retain the knowledge that they learned.
These pictures are of the notes I take when I go to my mentorship. Some of the things that I write down are how the teacher operate in the class, her method of teaching, even how she moves the desk in the most unnusal way (the litttle drawing are the seating charts for the class). One of my notes talks about how there was a substitute who didnt know any sign language and how she had a hard time runnung the class and how she look relieved when I told her I knew how to sign. She had me interpret for the deaf students.